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  • Priestess Shanda

Imbolc Seed Cake

At Imbolc I baked a cake for ritual. I had a few requests for the recipe. The original recipe I found online at The Goddess and the Greenman ( on their Imbolc page. Its a wonderful cake, not too sweet. The original recipe was in measurements that a British baker would have no trouble with, but it didn't quite translate for this American witch. So I figured it out and I'm posting the converted recipe here. Enjoy!

Simple Seed Cake

You need:

2 1/3 cup of flour

a pinch of salt

1 teaspoon of baking powder

1 stick butter (frozen)

3 Tablespoons of Caraway seeds

1 cup sugar

3 eggs beaten

6 tablespoons of water

Set the oven to 400F and grease and line a 6 inch cake tin.

Sieve the flour, salt and baking powder into you bowl. Mix. Grate the frozen butter on a cheese grater into the flour mix. Rub in the butter.

As you do this think of family and friends, think of the small personal things that you would have them benefit from as Spring flows into their lives. Visualize light flowing into the mixture, fire of truth and illumination, if you wish, use a rhyme.

Stir in seeds and sugar and then eggs, mix with just enough water to give a batter that softly drops off your spoon. Stir in patience for the coming Spring, this is still a time of waiting.

Pour the batter into the prepared tin and bake for 40min (the original calls for 1 hour then reducing temp to 375F for another 30min). Bake until golden and well risen.

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